Safety Rating
Under the Act respecting owners, operators and drivers of heavy vehicles, the Commission des transports is responsible for registration in the Register of owners and operators of heavy vehicles.
The registrant is assigned a Register Identification Number (RIN). The RIN corresponds to the National Safety Code (NSC) number. A safety rating is also assigned to every registrant in the Register. It reflects the evaluation of the user's behaviour. The rating presents one of the following three levels: satisfactory, conditional and unsatisfactory.
- A "satisfactory" safety rating indicates that the registrant has an acceptable record of compliance with the laws and regulations applicable to safety and to preservation of the integrity of roads open to public vehicular traffic.
- A "conditional" safety rating indicates that the right of a registrant to put into operation or operate a heavy vehicle is associated with special conditions due to a record which, in the Commission's opinion, shows deficiencies that can be corrected by imposing certain conditions.
- An "unsatisfactory" safety rating indicates that the registrant is considered unfit to put into operation or operate a heavy vehicle because of a record which, in the Commission's opinion, shows deficiencies that cannot be corrected by imposing conditions.
An "unsatisfactory" safety rating means that the registrant who is awarded this rating is prohibited from putting into operation or operating a heavy vehicle.
Moreover if the registrant does not satisfy one or more of the obligations stipulated in the Act, he will not be entitled to put into operation or operate a heavy vehicle on a road open to public vehicular traffic. These same rights will be suspended for owners and operators who have not done their annual update.
Consultation of the safety rating awarded to registered owners and operators is free of charge. The public may also obtain information concerning the rating and the sanctions imposed on the registrant, from the identifying information the registrant provides.
The results will be posted in French only.
The result of your search will give you:

- The name of the business
- The business address
- Québec enterprise register number
- Register identification number (RIN). The RIN corresponds to the National Safety Code (NSC) number
- Registration : Indicates in what capacity the business is registered
- Transportation classes : Indicates that the business transports persons or freight, or both
- Date of registration in the Register : Indicates the initial date of registration in the Register
- Safety rating : Indicates the rating of the business, i.e.: Satisfactory, conditional or unsatisfactory. (Satisfaisant, conditionnel, insatisfaisant)
- Right to put into operation : Indicates whether or not the business has the right to put a vehicle into operation on a road open to public vehicular traffic
- Right to operate :Indicates whether or not the business has the right to operate a heavy vehicle
Owners and operators of heavy vehicles registered in the Register have to keep a document in their vehicle attesting to their registration in Québec when they put a vehicle into operation in the rest of Canada. To obtain such an attestation, it is sufficient to click on "Version imprimable" (Print record) and print out the number of copies necessary, at any time.
For additional information, contact our Customer Service.
Information concerning the rating and sanctions recorded in the file of the owner or the operator